Top Management Skills

Managers are typically in charge of various high-level aspects of running a company, such as hiring or firing personnel, budgeting, and ensuring employees meet quotas, understand and work toward the same goal, and feel satisfied in their work. Having the right skills to handle all duties associated with the role can help you be more effective as a manager. When you equip yourself with the knowledge and skills the job requires, you can lead others to be more productive and happier with their work.


Here are some must-have management skills you can perfect to help you succeed:


Effective communication, both written and in-person, is essential for managers. Some duties of this position, such as meeting deadlines or scheduling events, require the ability to delegate tasks to those individuals on your team who are best suited to accomplish them. For example, if a member of your team has an exceptional typing speed, they might be well-suited to the task of responding to emails, while another employee may be well-spoken and charismatic, making them the best person to give presentations on projects. Communicating with your employees helps you better understand their strengths and weaknesses.

Playing to your employees' strengths can increase productivity, as people are more likely to show up and perform well at a job they enjoy. In fact, a study from the University of Oxford found that happy employees are 13% more productive at work. Communicating effectively and providing constructive feedback and praise allows your employees to understand their job and its duties, helping them avoid making mistakes.


Having leadership skills means you can delegate tasks effectively, see that projects get completed, and ensure business runs efficiently. As a leader, you're likely knowledgeable about all aspects of running a company; however, you might not be an expert in every area. Therefore, it's important for a manager to be able to lead a team of people. Managers must ensure everyone knows what's expected of them so they can perform their responsibilities. Speaking clearly and confidently and maintaining eye contact are both signs of an effective leader.


It's important for a manager to have empathy toward their employees because it can help gain their trust and respect. When you demonstrate you understand what your employees are going through and that you care about them as individuals, you make them feel important and appreciated. If an employee comes to you with a problem, whether it's work-related or personal, try to listen to their words and offer suggestions to resolve their issue or just be a sounding board for their complaints or ideas. These simple gestures go a long way toward earning your employees' trust.


Another important management skill is multitasking, or the ability to do more than one thing at a time. A manager often must work with an angry customer and soothe a distraught employee simultaneously or handle an incoming order while also paying a late bill. Staying calm and maintaining the composure to get tasks accomplished is key for management. Knowing how to prioritize your workflow to ensure you take care of the most important jobs first and having the ability to work under pressure can help you when multitasking.


A detail-oriented manager is one who notices the small things others might miss. For example, they might spot an accounting error before sending a budget plan to upper management. Or, they might be exceptional at hiring employees who possess the exact skills and education for their positions. A detail-oriented manager can help a company reduce spending and increase productivity by spotting mistakes and correcting them before they become larger issues.


Problem-solving skills are helpful in many roles, but the ability to solve problems is a must-have skill for managers. In any job and industry, problems are bound to arise. An effective manager must come up with solutions quickly and on the spot. Sometimes, there's no time to seek guidance, and managers must make tough decisions on their own. This also comes with taking responsibility for those decisions, no matter if the outcome is positive or negative.

Managers can use their problem-solving skills to help employees work through issues they might have accomplishing their tasks or performing their duties. This not only helps employees meet deadlines but can also lead them to trust and respect you more as a manager.

Whether you're already a manager or looking to become one, these are skills you might want to develop to excel in your role. You can perfect these management skills and more and use your resume to showcase them to a potential employer. Having the right skills for the job shows a hiring manager how well you can perform your duties and that you can learn what's required for the job.


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